Sasha Abramsky: Inside Obama’s Brain
“Obama was, many of his friends felt, someone who stayed cool not just because he realized it played well, but because he had spent time doing what Charlie Halpern called ‘inner work’; he had put in the effort to understand his place in the world and out of that effort had developed a powerful sense of equanimity. To Halpern, the president came across as a man imbued with the kind of calm, or wisdom, developed by people over many years of meditative practice.”
Kiehtova kirjasarja kiinnostavista ihmisistä, josta on julkaistu myös ainakin Inside Steve’s Brain (Steve Jobs), Inside Bill’s Brain (Bill Gates ) ja Inside Rupert’s Brain (Rupert Murdoch).
Jos muuten Obaman pää kiinnostaa edelleen, kiinnostavan kurkistuksen sinne saa tämän kirjalistoista.