Julian Barnes
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Julian Barnes: Death Jeanette Winterson: Love (Vintage minis) “If you believe that life has an inside as well as an outside, then how can we…
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Julian Barnes: Levels of Life “I wish you had met her, and so met more of me.” Tämä on erikoinen kirja, kolme tarinaa, ensin kevyttä…
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Julian Barnes: The Noise of Time “What could be put up against the noise of time? Only that music which is inside ourselves – the…
Lue koko juttuJulian Barnes: Nothing to be Frightened of
”You are what you have done; what you have done is your memory; what you remenber defines who you are, when you forget your life you cease to be, even before your death.”
Lue koko juttuKohtaaminen Julian Barnesin kanssa
”So why do we constantly aspire to love? Because love is the meeting point of truth and magic. Truth, as in photography; magic, as in ballooning.”
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